Fees Collection and Management are critical operations for the schools. Maintain finance of school is very demanding for the school also fees collection of the student is the most important responsibility for the school. With the help of school fee collection and fee receipt generation easily and quickly. School management software offering perfect fees collection task in a certain way.
During admission time school can add or fill all the required details of the student which can be helpful to create various reports. Fees collection can be possible in cash or cheque both the way. With the help of school software, you can easily manage student fee collection and maintain fees related data.
Features & Advantages of Student Fees Management System:
⇒ Define fees slabs with different ranges like quarterly, monthly, half yearly for different standard.
⇒ Facility to collect acceptable and provide discounts in fees.
⇒ Display of fees remaining on part payment of fees.
⇒ Facility of collecting fees in amounts and maintain the due remaining amount.
⇒ Generate and print receipts of fees along with manual / computerized fees receipt no.
⇒ Print receipts automatically, removes pen and paper receipt making.
⇒ Generate fees due report and find out the net due fees of each student.
⇒ Complete control on defining the fees slab as per desire with desired division among different ranges like quarterly, monthly, half yearly with desired fees component.
⇒ Fees collection report with standard wise or student wise data for a particular date range.